Thursday, July 28, 2016

It's Been Awhile

It has been forever since I have written here and that is too long. Life gets in the way sometimes, as we all know, and things you enjoy get pushed to the side in favor of things that HAVE to be done.  As I pursue my Specialist degree at UALR, college classes and extensive writing projects have left me with little time to do the things I truly enjoy.  I have vowed to take more time for myself and more time to spend with Bestie and create balance in my life - balance that has been out of whack for longer than needed.

So what have Bestie and I been up to lately?  More than I can explain in this short blog entry.  Bestie bought himself a wave runner and likes for us to make quick trips down the hill to the river so we can spend a couple hours on the water.  I know the river stinks to high heaven, but it is less than a mile from the house so I humor Bestie (he is an only child and used to getting his way).  

Bestie also bought me a bike so we can go on rides together.  I plan to start riding my bike to work a few days a week after the temperatures break.  Riding with Bestie may end up costing us a divorce. He is all about trying to beat a certain time and I like to ride a bike to see the surroundings and enjoy the journey.  If you see two bike riders engaged in a heated discussion while on the river trail, it may be Bestie and me.  Just smile and go on.  We will resolve our differences in bike philosophy eventually....maybe.