Thursday, December 19, 2013

City of the Big Sweet Grass Basket - Charleston, SC

Have I mentioned before that I love Monsanto?  Breakfast for the spouses started, continued and ended with mimosas.  How can anyone not love a company that has this kind of hospitality?? Monsanto also gave all the spouses $50 coupons to shop at selected shops after breakfast.  I actually ended up with 2 coupons because I was tweeting for Monsanto during the meeting!  Jewelry here I come!

The most important things we learned about during the spouse's program were the Recognition Programs offered by Monsanto .  These programs have provided schools and community organizations with millions of dollars in grants - most focused on STEM areas.  All you need is a farmer to recommend your organization/school for the money.  Check out the website for more information.

All this information made us hungry, so shortly after shopping we were treated to lunch.  Notice I had soup and salad so I could enjoy dessert!  The square dessert was the best but I had to fight Bestie to have any once he discovered it was filled with chocolate and caramel goodness.

Sunday was ours to spend as we saw fit and we saw a LOT!

We walked around more of the town.

We found a club just perfect for Michelle Luebbering!

Walked along cobbled streets I had definitely avoided on my run.

Checked out the gorgeous mansions along the river/bay area.

Visited our favorite park looking for a wedding to crash (last time we were in Charleston and went by the park we were invited to stay for a wedding and even ended up blowing bubbles for the new couple as they rushed off to the reception - which were invited to as well!)

Shopped our way down King Street as part of Second Sunday

Listened to some great music in another part of the city and visited the Farmer's Market which has been rated as one of the top 10 in the nation by Conde Nast Traveler.

Had drinks on the rooftop (and then dinner at Ansons) with a great friend - Laura Smith, Mrs. U.S. United and her husband, Daniel

Notice Santa photobombing us in the background?? Classic.

In short, we lived life to the fullest.  Life hasn't ended just because we are done being 'full-time' parents.  It continues to get better and better as we celebrate the successes of our adult children and continue to redefine our relationship as we grow to love each other more and more.  Get out there and enjoy your day, your night, your life with the person/people you love the most!  Carpe diem, my precious sugar pie!

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