It was a weekend of fun and excitement in Atlanta, GA as I traveled to compete in the Ms. U.S. United Pageant. Most people think of pageants as only for young women, but I beg to differ. Pageants are designed to promote health, fitness and inner beauty among women and children of all ethnic groups while producing positive role models for the community. The goal of pageants is to develop women that will promote self-confidence, self-worth, moral, academic and social support for our youth. They also publicly recognize women who have obtained personal, professional and community achievements. Can you tell I am a supporter of quality pageant systems?
I participated in the pageant as Ms. Arkansas U.S. United Woman. The areas of competition were interview (35%), personal introduction/platform statement (15%), outfit of choice - runway fashion (25%) and evening gown (25%).
Orientation was on Thursday evening and I got to meet all the other contestants. To say I was a little nervous would be an understatement. These were some BEAUTIFUL women and they had long lists of accomplishments. Several were veterans in the pageant world so I began to feel like the new kid on the block and I hoped I could remember everything I had learned years ago when kiddo #1 was involved in pageants.
I grabbed this dress out of the closet at home on a last minute whim and I was glad I did because it was a good choice for orientation.
After orientation and workshop, we had rehearsal to learn the opening number. It was difficult to remember all the dance steps since I am NOT a dancer, but I had some great ladies around me who made it fun even when I made mistakes.
Wilson had infinite patience teaching me all the dance steps.
Interview was EARLY Friday morning. I joked I looked like a Pan Am flight attendant. The interview flew by and I felt really good about it. Interviews don't usually make me extremely nervous because it is just a conversation between me and the judges and I can usually talk a blue streak to a stranger.
On my way back to my hotel room I met another contestant who had forgotten her beige pumps. Well, her foot was the same size as mine so - you guessed it - I gave her my pumps to wear for her interview. At the elevator I met another contestant who had lost all her clips for her crown, so - again, you guessed it - I gave her mine. At this point I didn't have a lot more to share without getting indecent so I hurried to my room!
The national platform of the U.S. United Pageant is Breast Cancer Awareness, so there was a Pink Gala on Friday night.
One of the other contestants (Miranda Perez from Georgia, but now living in Tennessee) was a Phi Mu too so we thought it was great to get a pic in our pink dresses since pink and Phi Mu go together.
Saturday morning was more rehearsals. Here I am with Laura Smith from South Carolina who was a great source of advice for me during the weekend. She ended up winning the Mrs. U.S. United title!
So far the competition had been great fun, but the stage portion of the competition was just about to get started on Saturday night. More about this in my next blog entry. To say I am tired is an understatement. Driving to Atlanta and back and no sleep and very little time for food during competition weekend has done a number on me. Maybe I am too old for this? NOT!!!!!
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